Thursday, November 26, 2020

self-portrait and a half

i am so many people
so many possibilities
reduced to just one

how to fit so many feet in 
just one pair of shoes?

i don't want to pinch my toes anymore
there is a child in me
that wants to step out and fly
a clown that wants to 
laugh all the time
making a plaything of even the most hopeless of miseries

there is also a devil inside me
it wants to do some very dark and
unspeakable things
i see it crouched in my corner
knowing what it's like to be unloved, unwanted


i'm now choosing to walk barefoot
you know, letting my toes squiggle and all
it feels right to nurture all the 'me's
especially the devil which
often shocks and scares me


devil, i know i need you here i know
you're the one who will give me wings 
and be my reason to want to fly.

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